Oh and this is not a blog about american college parties. If anything it's about history and elegance. Well elegance in short skirts.
I have been recently very abandoning on my blog with nothing to talk about probably the fault of school having such long day as I do - 8.30 to 5.30, yes I know!- i have hardly anytime to get my ass to the shops and get me some magazines or even go out and see the street style. But now I'm on break and hoping that inbetween working and driving (WOO I'm 17) I hope to give you some tips.
For months i've been lusting after this dress. Its beautiful.

But at 45 pounds, it's alittle pricey for my student wallet.

This is a beautiful lipsy creation. Its not necessarly a full on Grecian dress but the hints are fabulous. But at 65 pound its alittle pricey.
All these dresses could bring down the Trojan empire. Helen herself would be put to shame. "The face that launched a thousand ships" yeah right.
hi! I really like your blog, and how you talk about fashion AND makeup--and those toga-ish dresses are veryyyy pretty!!