Tuesday 12 July 2011

Prom.... Hell No This is our Leaver's Ball.

thought I'd upload a couple pictures from my Leaver's Ball. If you are a little confused by the title basically the girls in my year at school decided to boycott the idea of having a prom. We all refused to wear some princess dress and tiara b/c it can be a little tacky. (I'm not judging you if you have gone for the princess look, it's your choice but my personal opinion is that it's alittle tacky).
I think we did a pretty good job keeping it smart and sophisticated. I loved everyone's dresses!

Just thought I'd let you know my dress is £35 from Dorothy Perkins. It was the most extravagant dress but it was very flattering and perfect seeing as I didn't have time to get another one.

Also here's some pictures from my "House Dinner". Which is basically a dinner for 1/6 of the schools kids, b/c all the school is split into 6 houses to create team spirit and competition.

Well we go for a meal and wear lovely dresses. My dress is from H&M not quite sure on the exact price b/c I got it discounted, but it's about £25. I love this dress, I found it so comfortable, but VERY boobie. I had to constantly reorganise my boobs. DREAD! I even used boob tape from Primark, I'm not going to review b.c I don't think boob tape is meant for girls with 34F I think it's a more 34D and below, which is silly b/c boobs that size don't move much anyway.
I wouldn't suggest using it, it comes as like a huge survival pack with nipple pads and bra straps. It was a £5 which isn't bad considering all the stuff you got with it. But I didn't like the boob tape it didn't work, the bra straps didn't hook on properly to my Bras and the nipple pads HURT!
I'm also wearing topshop heels £65 bit pricey but beautiful.

Much love larly xoxo


  1. aw love it, i think i have the shorter/wrap version of that H&M snakey number :)


  2. i love this! gorgeous :)

  3. you look gorgeous for your leavers ball!

    thanks for the comment on my blog :)
