Some of them- of course- are not great and I don't use again. But these are the few that have made it into my self.
My life is all about my hair and it is soo important to me to have :
-a Natural Curl,
- Firm'ish hold.
- Firm'ish hold.
Those who know me see that my hair is all about being as big as it can go. So keeping volume on a non washing day is very important to me.
Original Dry Shampoo, at £2.30 its a bargain for beauty.
Coming in different fragences to take away the 2nd day hair smell
Tropical and Blush.
You simply flip all your hair forward so your head is upside down ( not the most attractive to do ) and spray the mist all over your roots especially the front. Then rub you scalp to remove excess, and when you flip your hair back over (very sexy) you should have considerably less greasy hair.
If like me you have darker hair I do suggest using the Bastiste specifically for dark hair as the mist in the original does come out white and is much more noticable in darker hair.
But I love this product and I know you all will too.
When your spending alot of time in long sleeved shirt
s at work and school getting sweat patches are inevitable, but with Sure Maximum protection the chances are near zero. I wear this constantly and it's become especially useful when going to a party and having that next more smell.... :P.
Costing £5.03 in boots, and £5.99 in Tesco its not the cheapest deodorant to buy but it is very very good.
Another one of my favourite products it Body Shop's Strawberry Body Butter.
THE SMELL just brings you back to your childhood. Filled with
Calpol and Tixilics. NOM! It leaves you skin silky smooth and smell delicious.
I do have issues with this product as it can be slimmy but when wear fake tan (As I tend to do) it helps you get that smooth finish.
Hope you enjoy this little insight into my bathroom. :D