This year coming to Malia is the DC Ladies.
Mals 2011 is just 5 short days away and I am pumped. I couldn't be more up for 6 days of sun, sea and sangria. It's gonna' be EPIC!
So in preparation for the tramendous occation I have been thinking about my essential list for a girls holiday. I don't except everyone to agree with what I say but this is a list of my necessities.
No holiday is a holiday without bikinis!!!!!!!!! I am lapping up the block colour bikinis!
I always suggest buying bikini's which are sold separately b/c it gives you the freedom to pick and choose sizes.
This is a sold separately bikini from H&M I love the halter neck detailing but if you have broad shoulders or big boobs I suggest not wearing this unless your slender (then you can wear anything :P)
I personally couldn't wear this I have very big boobs and broad shoulders.
I will be buying more plain looking bikinis in a bra style just for decent support and comfort. It also means you can take the shoulder straps down when sunbathing, avoiding unnecessary tan lines.
I also suggest buying bikinis which you can mix and match, it will help prevent the embarrassment of wearing the same bikini twice. I suggest a large supply of coloured bikinis and then a couple plain black and white bikinis it's just a simple choice to mix and match your bikinis.
Suncream and aftersun!
There is nothing worse than sunburn but at the same time who wants to come back without any colour.
One thing you guys should realise about me is that I'm quite organised especially when I'm excited, like now!
Soo here's my time table for efficient tanning:
Between 6am-9am.
Okay now I'm not suggesting you have to wake up at this time but if you happen to be awake at this early hour I would recommend a low SPF oil. This is when the sun is just looming over the harison, as the UV rays will be alot weaker.
I recommend BANANA BOAT OIL. I use spf15 its really good for quick tanning, and in this early hour you wanted to soak up as much sun as pos!
Between 9am-12pm
These hours again it is alittle touch and go on whether you will be up from previous nights out. But at the moment my plan is to get up at 9am and get outside for early morning tanning. For this ungodly hour I suggest a medium factor oil, as the sun will still be just warming up.
Maybe if your skin is alittle more fair a sun cream maybe more appropriate, but I'm comfortable to continue with an oil.
Between 12pm and 3pm
Now this is the time for fearing the sun. This is when the baggy t-shirts and sharongs come out. At this time the sun is at it's strongest and therefore its most dangerous. During this hour it's suncream and big hats.
I don't generally where sun cream I wear P45 which is a all can lotion it's really good if you don't want to constantly reapply but if you do decide to try out this be aware that you must reapply every few hours and after you go in the pool or sea. I know it sounds like a rip off buying an all day Sun Lotion when it doesn't last all day but you have to be aware the company selling are judging the cream without thinking about sweating. And everyone after a day in the sun is abit of a sweaty betty, (I know I certainly am).
If you prefer sun cream, why not try Soltan by Boots, at £4.95 where can you go wrong. But if you want a more expensive suncream (though in no way am I saying higher price=better), you could try Sisley £58 at Boots.
Fair Skin: SPF 50-30.
Medium Skin: SPF 30-25
Dark Skin: SPF 25-10.
Between 3pm-6pm.
This is of course assuming that from 6pm to you go out you'll be busy getting ready. I recommend a more medium oil again. This will give you alot of protection but also it will help soak up all the last few moments of sun.
6pm - onwards
I suggest either aloe vera lotion something like BANANA BOAT ALOE VERA LOTION, it helps moisturise your skin which will help maintain your tan but also it's brilliant for painful burns, it cools down your skin.
Number 3:
On my holiday I need an unneccessary number of sandals. I wear sandals every where and on this holiday it will be continued. One thing I want you girls to remember that you're in a hot country and you don't wanna be not only uncomfortable with the heat but also with painful feet and blisters. 
To avoid this unnecessary annoyance I suggest flats on your NUMEROUS nights out.
It will keep you out that little while longer, and you'll appreciate it soo much, and it'll be soo dark in the club no one will see.
I've got myself a BEAUTIFUL PAIR of TOPSHOP SANDALS for £11.50 on ebay.
Although, I must warn you all that sandals on a beach is definately not recommendable, sand between straps and skin can be VERY VERY SORE.
So for those days on the beach a pair of FLIP FLOPS are the perfect footware. My personal shoe of choice for such occasions are Havaianas. They are the MOST COMFORTABLE SHOES IN THE WORLD. I mistakenly bought some a few years ago and they are still going strong and I have never regretted the purchase. Abit pricey for Flip Flops but well worth the buy. On, you can get these beauties for £15 to £20, which is not too bad.
A good book.
For me I can't sleep in the sun, unless very, very tired soo nothing keeps me happier than being absorbed in a book.
If you have been living on MARS for the last few years then I suggest reading the TWILIGHT SAGA. It's brilliant to read even if you've seen the films.
Or if you are into more Rauchy books, I recomend Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake Novels, there are MILLIONS of them and they do not require starting from the beginning, I've been reading them for years and still having read the first few.
If fantasy really isn't your cup of tea, why not read ONE DAY by David Nicholls. This is a really good read, I haven't finished this book yet but soo far it's AMAZING! I also know this is currently being made into a film coming out on the 26th of August and it has Ann Hathaway in it as well, which is amazing!
Without them we would be Blind!
I wear Primark to Ray Bans. I looking to buy a new pair of Ray Bans, but they don't come cheap.
You can some times buy them on the cheap on Ebay. But I know someone who has done this and got the junior wayfarers instead of the adult. This of course was a great disappointment!
But I have been known to wear some very nice Primark Wannabe Wayfarers and Clubmasters. At £1.50 where can y0u go wrong.
Number 6:
Maxi Dress.
I live in maxi dresses and I keep buying more and more. The other day I went shopping and bought 3, two of which were the same in a different colour. I lapp up Maxi Dresses.
Although, maxi dress are beautiful but I have a list of musts:
1. Must be either down to base of the ankle, their is nothing worse than a calf length maxi I have bought my share and I have HUGE regret.
2. Must have a tightening aspect of the dress around the waist or hips. This is to maintain a feminine body shape. No one wants to look like the waistless wonder.
3. You must buy dresses which display variety of styles either in colour, or arm style. There is no point buying dress which are all strapless, etc. Long sleeves is a must have if you are arm conscious.
My favourite shops are H&M, Ark, Primark, Dorothy Perkins.
Number 7:
It may sound awful cover up all U16 year old ears.... but condoms.
Just in case you meet Mr right or just Mr right now, no one wants to be left un prepared, and I watch embarrassing bodies every week and who wants to get those DISEASES!
Always take your own because even if the guy has one who knows where or WHEN he got it. Always use your own!
Always watch out for breakages and ...
Always remember not all STD/STI's are caught the old fashion way even if you keep your relationship at the first few bases diseases can still be spread.
Just be safe!
Number 8:
Sachel style bag!.... with a shoulder strap.
I love clutch bags, but as I was saying earlier in a hot country, it always best to minimise discomfort. So bags with shoulder straps are always recommendable!
I recently bought a new sachel from Primark. For £7 you surely can not go wrong!
Number 9:
An ipod with all your favourite summer hits.
Number 10:
A lockable suitcase.
You must always remember you are in a foreign country and you do not know who you're staying with and you will need passport and money to get home and last the holiday.
To sum up this holiday list of essentials.
Always remember to keep safe and be comfortable in what you wear.
Don't sacrifise comfort for style in a foreign country it will just make you ratty and irritable and that is not advisable with a bunch of girls, it could lead to unneccessary arguements.